Smartsville, California
52 years old
I never in my wildest dreams ever could have thought I would ever have the opportunity to join in on such an amazing adventure. I perceived it to be that only super athletic fit individuals could accomplish the feat so it was never on my mind that I would ever do the swim or dream of doing the swim from Alcatraz. Until now. After seeing the PATHSTAR film it dawned on me that there were several individuals of different ages, shapes, and abilities all able to do Alcatraz to San Francisco with the aid of such a wonderful group as PATHSTAR. That was when the excitement for me built up so that at the end of the presentation I raised my hand and said, “I want to do that.”
My name is Valarae. I turned 52 in March and, since the 50’s were coming up fast I decided I wanted to be Fabulous, Fit, and to have Fun in my 50’s. But I was not healthy. So I went on my own personal journey to find a way to become the person I had once been. I started out small, grew, learned, and I am still learning. I am finding my true self. And along the way I am getting back to a healthier weight, although I have not reached my target goal. I am making strides in the correct direction.
Medical problems played a huge role in my unhealthiness. Having 10 surgeries in 10 years was hard on my body. I gained a little more weight that I could just not lose with each surgery. I had resigned myself that I would forever just be a fat blob the rest of my life. That was my life. I had to accept it, and I did. Until our 25th anniversary road trip changed my life, my mindset, and my real journey began in October of 2015.
I became my own advocate. I read that the more sugar you eat, the more you crave. I was eating way too much sugar. At least 5 times the recommended daily allowance—-close to topping 500 grams a day. So I started with this one little thing. I would get rid of all processed sugars—-quit cold turkey—-and see if it made any difference. Oh boy, did it ever! The first month I had weight loss of over 10 pounds.
This was not another diet I was trying; it was a lifestyle change, and that big light bulb in my head went off. If I just gave up one ingredient, like sugar, cutting it down to less than 10% of what I’d consumed, I could lose weight, too, while trying to balance my ‘gut health.’ Who wouldn’t give up sugar! This was my ‘AHA’ moment! Something inside me said keep going, this time, and don’t look back.
I later gave up all white flour. Added in more exercise. Changed my eating habits once again. Portion control, weighing my food, and logging it every meal. And I started to see the dietician at Chapa De Indian Health in Grass Valley and Auburn, a person who has also swum Alcatraz and has guided me on my healthy lifestyle journey.
My goal is to try and swim 2 days a week in the ocean. I will be walking and hiking with a good friend over the summer at least 3 days a week. My goal is to be active every day of the week, getting and logging in at over 10,000 steps/day. I am making great strides but still have a long way to go. Help me to continue my journey, to becoming fabulous, fit, and having fun in my 50’s.